Course Overview

Returning to “normal” functioning is important following diagnosis of PNES and for young people, returning to school is one of those normal functions. School is, for many students, stressful without the added pressure of a PNES diagnosis.

It is important for the school, family and the student themselves to become comfortable with returning to school even if episodes are still occurring. In this first presentation about school, information about PNES origins and the diagnostic evaluation are provided. Developing a team to approach the management of symptoms upon return is necessary for successful re-entry. This presentation is helpful for school staff, parents, and students.

Audience: Health professionals (mental health professionals, therapists, nurses, etc.), school personnel, parents and students with PNES

Learning Points: Throughout this course, you will:
• What is PNES and how is it diagnosed?
• Who should be part of the return to school team
• Factors to consider when address fear about school return
• Address school staff and family safety concerns

Course content

  1. Introduction to Returning to school with PNES

  2. Information for School Nurses and Teachers

  3. How to better understand Students with PNES

  4. Quiz

About this course

  • $18.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

About Dr. Julia Doss

Dr. Julia Doss


Dr. Julia Doss is the owner and director Doss Clinic of Health Psychology. The clinic is focused on providing care for patients with PNES and other forms of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND).

She is a clinical psychologist with a pediatric specialization. In practice she has focused the majority of her 20 year career on assisting in diagnosis and treatment of patients and their families struggling with PNES. She has published her research in scientific journals, she has authored professional book chapters, and presents in meetings across the US and abroad. She has co-authored two books, one in 2017 “Pediatric Psychogenic NonEpileptic Seizures: A Guide” and more recently “The Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizure Pocketbook” with co-author Dr. Lorna Myers.

Dr. Doss is certified in pediatric hypnosis and uses a variety of modalities when approaching the treatment of PNES.

Dr. Doss has trained a number of post-graduate clinicians in the treatment of PNES/Functional Disorders and enjoys disseminating information to clinicians.

Dr. Doss has contributed to pioneering research on pediatric PNES, co-authored treatment guides, and regularly presents at conferences.

Her expertise includes working with families, managing anxiety and depressive disorders, and addressing medically-appearing symptoms rooted in emotional factors. Dr. Doss’s diverse career spans various settings, providing her with extensive experience in child development and trauma.